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Pedal Clavichord (after Gerstenberg 1760, Leipzig) Pedal clavichord Pedal clavichord Pedal clavichord Pedal clavichord Pedal clavichord Pedal clavichord
Date added: 2024-03-15
Made by Joel Speerstra, Gothenburg, around 2012
2 manuals: C – e3 (unfretted)
Pedal: C – d’ (16’ and 8’), stop lever for the 16’.
Organ bench is included.
The instrument is in good playing condition, but needs some maintenance (a few strings are missing, some tuning pins are loose).
The instrument belongs to the Royal Danish Academy of Music, Copenhagen.
Price: 21.500 EUR
Contact: Leif Meyer


None at the moment




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